Hurdy-Gurdy Evolution: Strings Across Time
Hurdy-Gurdy Evolution: Strings Across Time The Hurdy-Gurdy has always been one of my favorite instruments, providing rich notes and chords with a continuous drone that was sure to have parties going all throughout the night for centuries. It is speculated that, "... it was the Moors of North Africa who introduced this musical instrument to Europe." (Ancient Origins, 2019). With depictions dating back to the 12th century, playing an organistrum, which would be a larger two person version of a Hurdy-Gurdy. Gerardo Rosa, "Organistrum Colegiata de Toro (Zamora -España), s XII Pórtico Norte; retocada colores", Wikipedia, 31 Oct, 2007 , After it's introduction the Hurdy-Gurdy found its way around Europe and, "Single player instruments developed in the thirteenth century..." (Iowa State University, 2024). ...